Infusionsoft Confirmation Fulfillment Magic Link

Tired of sending 2 or 3 emails just to capture the double-optin? Well this handy trick can help your simplify the process.

I want to preface this post with a simple disclaimer… You use this method at your own risk. IF you are not upfront with the leads, telling them that they must “Confirm” their address to receive the deliverable, then this could get you into a lot of trouble with the compliance department.

#1 Go To “Marketing -> Settings -> Automation Links“.

#2 Choose “Create A Confirmation Link”.

#3Name the link something relevant.

This will be for your ease of reference in the future.

#4 The “Link Text” is what will show in the email itself.

I recommend “Confirm My Address & Get My Download” or something like that for compliance sake.

#5 The magic is done on the “Confirmation Page Appearance” tab.

#6 Switch to “Source View”.

Now you will use the below to put the landing page url in place:
– If you have bigger compliance concerns you should use a ‘Time Delayed’ redirect.

Immediate Redirect:


Time Delayed Redirect:


#7 You will update the url to be your landing page and save the link.

#8 Now that this is created you need to “Edit” the link.

Look at the address bar to get the link “ID” number to use it in the email builder.

#9 Copy the Link id for use.

Now you will copy the below “Merge” field, update the “1” to your Link’s id. Then paste the magic merge link into your email:

You can format the merge field anyway you desire and it will apply that style to the link text setup in #4.